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Updated, 17 min ago

The human body is the best picture of the human soul.

The Brahman

brahman is the highest reality The concept of brahman is found in the ancient scripture vedas and the upanishads. Brahman is the central concept of

Ancient Science and technology


Panchloha is the alloy of five metals This concept of panchloha is taken from Bharadwaja Vaimanika Shastra. Panchloha alloy Pancha Loha alloy used to make

The human body is the best picture of the human soul.

What is Human Body?

human body is a Inseparable accomplished group inseperable accomplished group? what it denotes? It denotes parts of a body which are not separable from each

Ancient Vedic Culture

The Highly Dreadened Astras

Highly Dreadened Astras competent of causing annihilation At the time of Aranyavasa i.e., living in the forest, Arjuna performed meditation (Tapas) and Lord Siva blessed

Ancient Vedic Culture


Gurukula is the place of learning in the ancient india Gurukul is a type of education system in ancient India with student or shishya what

higher yogic power

Why the higher yogic powers?

1. Higher yogic powers for a clear vision about creation. 2. for the higher achievement 3. for tapping of the secrets of the universe. Why