Rig Veda 10.191.4

समानी व आकूतिः समाना हृदयानि वः ।
समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा वः सुसहासति ॥

Samani va akutih samana hrdayani vah:
samanamastu vomano yatha vah susahasati. 

Meaning of the mantra.

May your resolves be one; may your hearts feel alike; may your thinking be one; and thus may all of you live happily with thorough union.

Let your aims be common and your hearts of one accord; And all of you be of one mind; so you may live well together.
Vedic thought based on the mantra.

1. One and common be your aspiration, united be your hearts, common to you be your mind, so that close companionship may be yours.

2. Let your aims be common and your hearts of one accord; And all of you be of one mind; so you may live well together.

3. “Common, (worshipppers), be your intention; common be (the wishes of) your hearts; common be yourthoughts, so that there may be thorough union among you.”

– H. H. Wilson

4. This mantra is teaching us to live together. Let us live together and our minds are one, our resolve should be one.