Oldest Science on the Earth

Being the oldest science in the world, this ancient science is the oldest science on earth.

World oldest science?

What this means? The knowledge present in the beginning of humankind was the world’s oldest and ancient science. From where did all the knowledge or science come from in the beginning of humankind? And how did we get this ancient science? We will cover all these questions in the next post.

What exactly is ancient science?

Ancient science is the world’s oldest science, this science is hidden in the world’s ancient sacred scripture, the vedas. Ancient science is the science or knowledge which is present in the beginning of humankind, this is Why ancient science is the Oldest science in the world. In other words it is the oldest eternal science of the world.

What is the oldest science or knowledge in the world? Ancient science is the world’s oldest science. This ancient science is hidden in the vedas. This is why ancient science is the science of the vedas. This Ancient science or wisdom was revealed to the ancient rishis or ancient enlightened sages and is derived from the ancient culture of Aryavarta, the ancient india. The purpose of ancient science is the promotion of ancient wisdom of the vedas and the message of the vedas, so that all people on the earth may drink the nectar of the vedas.

Oldest science in the world?

Ancient science is the oldest science in the world. What exactly is ancient science?  The word ancient science is inspired by word prachin vigyan, which is taken from the world’s ancient language, Sanskrit. The word prachin vigyan means oldest or ancient science. This is why Ancient science is the world’s oldest science.This ancient science is hidden in the vedas, which is present in the subtle cosmos. In other words Ancient science is the science of the vedas. 

The hidden knowledge?

What is the source of ancient science? what is the secret? All the knowledge or science of the universe is hidden within the causal world of subtle cosmos. The knowledge present in the subtle causal world is known as veda