Rig Veda 1.2.1

The original mantra in sanskrit – 

वायवा याहि दर्शतेमे सोमा अरङ्कृताः । तेषां पाहि श्रुधी हवम् ॥

vayava yahi darsateme soma aramkrtah
tesam pahi srudhi havam

The meaning of mantra in english 

Almighty god is life principle of all lives. All the objects of nature are made by god, accessible to all creatures of god.

The hidden controller

The hidden controller is viewable by knowledge, hidden controller is the all powerful and is the life force of all lives, in other words 

This hidden controller is god.

Rigveda mandala 1, sukta 2, mantra 1

Rigveda 1.2.1 is the first mantra of second sukta of first mandala of the Rigveda.