What are the 5 elements

Five elements of universe

Universe is made up of five elements Five elements of the universe The five elements are also known as great five elements of the universe.

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Why to understand the Universe?

1. The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce,

ancient science cover

Did the Universe come from Nothing?

According to Ancient Vedic Philosophy, there is no such thing as creation or the evolution of something out of nothing. The universe has a cause


How The Universe Was Formed?

How the universe was formed, it is still a mystery for the scientists. The universe did not create by itself. There is a creator who


Activity start to expand exponentially.

The activity going on in the expansion of the universe expands exponentially. There can be no expansion without activity, We see this in our life

Universe >

Cosmic Science >

beyond cosmic science >

Beyond Universe >

Existence >

consciousness >

Bliss >

Life >

Happiness >

Bliss >

Peace >