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Suktas of rigveda
Rig Veda

Rig Veda 1.1.7

upa tvagne dive-dive dosavastardhiya vayam namo bharanta emasi Agni, lord omniscient, day by day, night and day, with all our heart and soul we come

Suktas of rigveda
Rig Veda

Rig Veda 1.1.8

Rajantamadhvaranam gopam rtasya didivim vardhamanamsve dame Meaning of Rigveda 1.1.8 Bearing gifts of homage with faith and humility, we come to Agni, self-refulgent ruling lord

vedic suktas
Rig Veda

Rig Veda 1.1.9

The mantra in english sa nah piteva sunave agne supayano bhava sacasva nah svastaye The meaning of Rigveda 1.1.9 As a father is ever one

The silence of nature is very real. It surrounds you, you can feel it.

There is a self effulgent reality

There is a self effulgent reality in the cosmos and beyond. 1. Glorify that reality, that alone is the only reality of life universe and

Girl explore mystery in the universe

What is the mystery of the universe?

Is there a mystery hidden in the universe? There is a mystery hidden within everything of the universe, and within the universe too. The mystery

The silence of nature is very real. It surrounds you, you can feel it.

Who is the owner of the universe?

There is a harmony in the nature, what type of harmony? the harmony of bliss and happiness? Harmony is Law of Happiness. All the creation is