Quotes from the vedas >

1. Good thoughts naturally culminates into good actions.

2. Who sees all beings in his own self, loses all fear.

Good thoughts naturally culminates into good actions.

– Rigveda 

Good thoughts naturally culminates into good actions.

Who sees all beings in his own self and his own self in all beings, loses all fear.

– Upanishad

Who sees all beings in his own self and his own self in all beings, loses all fear.

3. Let noble thoughts come to us from every side. …

4. May the man protect the other on everyside. …

5. May we standing in front, keep waking in our nation. …

6. Let be the similar the minds, actions, and hearts of the couple. …

7. Earth is my mother and I am son of her. …

8. He, who speaks truth, is actually a consecreated man.


This body dies when the living Self has left it, the living Self dies not.

A wise man, does not swerve from the path of justice.

– Swami Dayananda

You should keep yourself in balance in success or failure

― Sri krishna

Attractiveness and magnetism of man’s personality is the result of his inner radiance.

May the man protect the other on everyside.

– Rigveda – 6.75.14

The One who rules over all beings in the universe is God and called as Maheshwara.

 – Rigveda 

Vedic Quotes >

Rigveda Quotes >

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Dharma Quotes >

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side

― Rigveda 1.89.1

Focus on your goal. Don’t look in any direction but ahead.

There is enough in the world for everyone’s need; there is not enough for everyone’s greed.

A person speaks and acts in accordance with what he thinks with his mind.

― Taittiriya Aranyaka

Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple.

― Chanakya

Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.

― Rumi

The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind

― Rumi

The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.

― Rumi

Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul.

— Anthony D. Williams

One should continue performing such virtuous deeds that increases strength, life span & sharpens our power of vision.

– Yajur Veda

You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.

– Swami Vivekananda

Until we realize the unity of life, we live in fear.

– Taittiriya Upanishad.

Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject as poison.

— Swami Vivekananda.

Everything is easy when you are busy. But nothing is easy when you are lazy.

– Swami Vivekananda

We should never say lie, never leave the path of dharma due to fear of critics or due to any greed.

– Dayananda Saraswati

Attractiveness and magnetism of man’s personality is the result of his inner radiance.

– Yajur Veda

Attractiveness and magnetism of man's personality is the result of his inner radiance.
Everything is easy when you are busy. But nothing is easy when you are lazy
We should never say lie, never leave the path of dharma due to fear of critics or due to any greed.
Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject as poison Quotes - Ancient Science Quotes 04

Inspirational Quotes >

When Life Gets Blurry Adjust Your Focus.