God is present everywhere in this universe, people with divine wealth can find him.
“God is present everywhere in this universe, people with divine wealth can find him.” — Rigveda 9.6.1 Start your journey to find or explore the
1. Good thoughts naturally culminates into good actions.
2. Who sees all beings in his own self, loses all fear.
“God is present everywhere in this universe, people with divine wealth can find him.” — Rigveda 9.6.1 Start your journey to find or explore the
– Rigveda
– Upanishad
3. Let noble thoughts come to us from every side. …
4. May the man protect the other on everyside. …
5. May we standing in front, keep waking in our nation. …
6. Let be the similar the minds, actions, and hearts of the couple. …
7. Earth is my mother and I am son of her. …
8. He, who speaks truth, is actually a consecreated man.
– Swami Dayananda
― Sri krishna
– Rigveda – 6.75.14
The One who rules over all beings in the universe is God and called as Maheshwara.
– Rigveda
― Rigveda 1.89.1
Focus on your goal. Don’t look in any direction but ahead.
There is enough in the world for everyone’s need; there is not enough for everyone’s greed.
― Taittiriya Aranyaka
― Chanakya
― Rumi
― Rumi
― Rumi
— Anthony D. Williams
– Yajur Veda
– Swami Vivekananda
– Taittiriya Upanishad.
— Swami Vivekananda.
– Swami Vivekananda
– Dayananda Saraswati
– Yajur Veda