Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why ancient science?

In order to know the fundamental and basic mysterious questions and answers of life.

2. What is ancient science?

Ancient science is the world’s oldest science, hidden in the veda. It is also known as the science of the vedas.

3. What exactly is ancient science? And what is its origin? and what is its purpose?

Ancient science is the science or knowledge which is present in the beginning of humankind, this is why ancient science is the oldest science in the world. In other words it is the oldest eternal science of the world.

4. Is ancient science associated with any particular religion?

“Ancient science have not come to preach any new religion or dogmas, nor to establish a new order. Ancient Science have only brought before the people the light of the ancient wisdom which had been hidden during the centuries.

5. What is the Purpose of ancient science?

and why it is needed? The purpose of ancient science is to make you aware about the world’s oldest science.

6. How ancient the Ancient Science is?

Ancient science is as old as the universe is.

7. How did mankind get this knowledge?

Creator existed first amongst gods, very long time ago, creator of the universe, protector of the universe by the care of gods. Creator delivered a sermon on absolute science which is the foundation of all knowledge to his elder child or son (the ancient seekers and sages).

8. The Language Of Ancient Science?

The language of ancient science is the language of the universe. It very ancient and mysterious. In the beginning of the humankind, the ancient sages experienced the mysterious language of the cosmos or universe. How they connect with the universe? and how they experience the mysterious language of the cosmos and how they decode this langauge of the cosmos? is a deep subject of investigation.

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Ancient Science is the science of vedas

What is Ancient Science?

Ancient science has existed since the beginning of humanity. The oldest science among all sciences is ancient science. The first science that existed was ancient

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Ancient science cosmos

Why ancient science?

In order to know the fundamental and basic mysterious questions and answers of life. Where we come from? who we are? what is our inheritance?

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