Why ancient science?

In order to know the fundamental and basic mysterious questions and answers of life. Where we come from? who we are? what is our inheritance? what is the purpose of life? who created the universe? and Where did the universe come from? In order to solve these mysteries or questions we need to know the oldest and ancient science of the world.

1. Science of universe and beyond

The universe cannot be understood without knowing ancient science. And if we want to know beyond the universe, then we cannot know about it through any other science apart from ancient science.

understand the universe.

There are some unresolved questions of life which have not been solved yet. These are the basic questions of life. Among these basic questions there is some questions like – Why are you here? Why are you on earth? Why you are here in this universe?

2. Mysteries of the universe.

Can the mysteries of the universe be understood through ancient science?

The mysterious science.

There is a mysterious science hidden within the cosmos and beyond. That secret mysterious science contains the knowledge or science of everything, the science of life, cosmos and beyond, which is the oldest science and is called as ancient science in the world’s ancient book or scripture. In the coming article, we will know what exactly is ancient science? and what is the purpose of ancient Science?

3. Basic question of life. 

Why to read ancient science? and why it is needed? In order to know the fundamental and basic mysterious questions and answers of life.

4. Secret science 

This ancient science is the world’s secret science which is hidden in the subtle cosmos. This ancient science contains the secret science of the universe. Ancient science is one of the most important science, because it contains the secret science of the universe.

5. Why ancient science of vedas?

Ancient science is the science of Vedas. This is the basic and eternal science of creation, and the secret science of cosmos and beyond. In fact, various scholars have also explained why we should know ancient science.

Scholars on the ancient science of vedas

“Vedic literature opens to us a treasure in the adventures of the human race to which we can find no parallel anywhere else”. – Max Muller.


 “I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.”  – Niels Bohr


“Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries.” – J.Robert Oppenheimer


“Vedas are the most rewarding and the most elevating book which can be possible in the world.” – Arthur Schopenhauer


“There is no doctrine of Christianity but what has been anticipated by the Vedas.” – Horace Greeley


“The Upanishads are the solace of my life and they will be solace to me after my death also.”- Arthur Schopenhauer

What scriptures says,

As pointed out at the very outset, the glory of the Vedas has been sung by all the ancient scriptures or religious scriptures (Dharma shastras or Smritis.)

Manu, the first Law giver after the Vedas. has sung the glory of the Vedas in such unambiguous terms as “Vedo Akhilo Dharma Mulam”  The veda is the source of dharma.  – Manu (manusmriti 2.6)


“ The vedas are the scriptures of true knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all the aryas to read them, teach them, recite them and hear them. ” Maharishi Dayanand saraswati

Ancient Science - the science of life
Explore Further > What is the Ancient Science and What is the Purpose of ancient science?