1. What is Paramatman?
Paramatman is a concept of the vedas. Brahman is the absolute reality and is the fundamental principle which lies realized in the whole universe”. Brahman is a key concept found in the Vedas, and it is extensively discussed in the principal upanishads. The Vedas conceptualize Brahman as the Highest Reality and the Cosmic Principle.
What is god?
He, who is called as Brahma = the most High, Parmatma = the supreme Spirit
who permeates teh whole universe; Who is true personification of Existence,
Consciousness and Bliss; whose nature, attributes and characteristics are Holy;
who is Omniscient, Formless, All-pervading, Unborn, Infinite, Almighty, Just
and Merciful; who is the creator, administrator and dissolver of the whole
universe, and who awards all souls the fruits of their deeds in strict accordance
with the requirements of absolute justice and possessed of like attributes, is