Fire and human combustion
The spontaneous human combustion
The spontaneous human combustion cases arise from –
Samana+ Udanavaayu+Manojava+neelavarnagni.
Samana= out of ten pranas Samana prana could cause burning.
Udanavaayu = out of ten pranas Udanavayu=Udana prana is one responsible for upward movement of energy.
Manojava=born out of mind,
Neelavarnagni=Agni classification as per colour as blue flame.
Samana vayu(prana ),when it is overactivated, generates highly intensive internal fire in the body. When Samana prana reaches Udana prana the heat is moved upwards.Udana prana by nature causes upward movement. This causes flames going up in the body .The fire element is responsible for blue colored flames. In the process Spontaneous human combustion takes place.
This whole process crops up due to thought force. Mind is responsible to trigger the entire process. This comes about due to uncontrollable mental activities at a particular point of time.Some times certain postures also cause this. Under certain circumstances those forces are activated automatically. The internal forces cause unusual action in certain marma sthanas = vital spots due to certain postures without the conscious intention of the person concerned.
If the intensity of Samana Prana is less, partial combustion may take place. If such situations are repeated partial combustions may be taking place.