What is Ayurveda?

What is Ayurveda in simple words?  The word ‘ayurveda’ means the science of life, and is also known as science of health. Definition of ayurveda The word ayurveda means science of life. Ayurveda is a sanskrit word, which is a combination of word ayu which means life and veda which means science. Origin of ayurveda? Ayurveda Read More …

What are the Yamas?

The concept of Yama Yama is ancient concept found in the vedas and other ancient vedic scripture like – upanishads, yoga darshan or yog shastra Yamas are five in number The 5 Yamas are as follows – 1. kindness to all kindness, Harmlessness 2. Truthfulness in word, deed and thought Strict devotion to veracity; 3. Read More …


Tanmatras  The term tanmatras means the subtle elements or rudimentary element The Five Tanmatras 1. The five tanmatras are manifested from bhutadi ahamkara 2. Five tanmatras are – Shabda tanmatra, Sparsh tanmatra, Roopa tanmatra, Rasa tanmatra, Gandha tanmatra

What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is not only the science or study of numbers, quantities or shapes but it is also connected with the cosmos. What exactly is mathematics? Mathematics is the elucidation of cosmos. Definition of Mathematics –  Mathematics is the logical and coherent enlightenment and valid elucidation of cosmos. Mathematics the language of universe? When we do a Read More …

Controlled Vision

There is a harmony in the nature, what type of harmony? the harmony of bliss and happiness? Harmony is Law of Happiness. All the creation is for harmony at all the levels, this is why, there is harmony everywhere in the nature.  Harmony everywhere Harmony in the atoms, in the sub atomic particles, cells, trees, plants, Read More …

What is Dhanurveda?

Dhanurveda is the upaveda of the Yajurveda, the meaning of dhanurveda is the science of archery. The aim and purpose of this dhanurveda is protection of country, nature and people, protection of people from external aggression and internal anti-social-elements; maintaining tranquility at any time and at any place so that the society leads a peaceful Read More …

Look Within

1. “There is nothing outside of yourself, look within. Everything you want is there. You are That.” — Rumi 2. “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” — Albert Einstein 3. Look beyond every single thing you see. There’s always something behind. 4. “Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is Read More …