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Updated, 17 min ago

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Did the Universe come from Nothing?

According to Ancient Vedic Philosophy, there is no such thing as creation or the evolution of something out of nothing. The universe has a cause

Thoughts of worry and thoughts of fear, destroy the harmony.
Isha Upanishad

Isha Upanishad 3

Those human beings who defy or kill the self, are covered with profound darkness and go to the dark worlds or evil regions. असुर्या नाम

When you let go you create space for better things to enter your life..
Isha Upanishad

Isha Upanishad 2

Man must engage in action but engage in action without desire. कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छतँ समाः। एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे॥ Kurvanneveha karmani jijeevishechchatam

There is no happiness for him who does not travel.

How to Enjoy Life to the Fullest?

Here are 25 simple ways you can enjoy your life to the fullest.  1. Focus on your goal. Stay focused on your goals, your peace,


Is human life a gift?

Human life is a rare gift. It is a gift from the Creator of the Universe. Three things are very difficult to obtain in this


Never Compete with Others

Why you should not compete with others? If You Continuously Compete with others, you become bitter. Also by comparing yourself to others, you never appreciate