Products & technologies based on ancient material science

Products & Technologies basing on Ancient Treatises

Products & Technologies basing on Ancient Indian Treatises like Bharadwaja Vimanika Shastra and so on …

Green Nano Products

– Nano Cu, CuO, Cu2O
– Nano Sn, SnO2
– Nano Zn, ZnO
– Nano Pb, PbO
– Nano Brass (Cu-Zn)
– Nano Bronze (Cu-Sn)
– Nano Ni, NiO2
– Nano Fe, FeO, Fe2O3, Fe3O4
– Nano C2ZTS4
– Nano TiO2
– Nano Gold
– Nano Silver
– Carbon nano tubes
– Nano Si C
– Nano Graphene
– Nano Calcium

Green Technologies

– Purification of Metals & Minerals by Green way
– Metals Extraction from ores by herbal route
– Melting Metals in Low temperatures
– Iron Scrap to ultra fine powders by Vedic route
– Enhancement of good properties of metals & alloys

Metals & Alloys

– High corrosion resistant Copper
– High Electrical, thermal Conductivity Copper
– High maleable Bronze
– High Pure Metals Like Copper, Tin and Zinc etc
– High quality Amalgams
– High strength Aluminum

Ancient Science and technology