According to the understanding so far, you know that you are human. Are you just human or something more or something different? Who you are in reality? You have to study yourself to find out who you are. In order to know yourself you need to know your science.
Are you a body or soul?
According to ancient philosophy of Rigveda, You have two introduction i.e. outer you and inner you. Outer you is mortal and Inner you is immortal.
You are the soul in the reality? – rigveda 1
Who you are in reality? What is your real form? Are you this body or soul? According to ancient philosophy 1. You are the soul, the divine radiant soul. You are the children of Immortality! You are not the perishable physical body. You are the child, a ray of god, the supreme, the almighty. You should therefore, somehow or other, try to unite yourself with the supreme. 2. You are the immortal soul. You are the unborn soul. 3. You are not the mind, nor the reasoning intellect. But you are the master of all these. Conclusion. You are the soul in reality, this and body is yours.
Why You Exist?
Who you are?
You are not the body
You are the soul
You are a part of the Immortal energy
You are the spark
Spark is a ray of the pure, Universal Spiritual Flame; a spark thrown out into the descending and ascending cycles of Involution and Evolution.
– Rigveda Concept
Science of you >
soul >
individual soul >
Body >