What is Yoga?

Whenever there is talk of yoga, the image of exercises, poses or postures comes in the mind of most people, but the real meaning of yoga goes beyond this. In order to understand the real meaning of yoga, we have to know about the origin of this word. 

Yoga means unification.

Yoga is a sanskrit word which means union or unification. yoga is the unification with the divine or the ultimate. So yoga means union or abstract meditation with the divine, the ultimate or Supreme Being. Yoga is a completely unified science or knowledge. In simple word yoga means union or unification.

The prime benefit of yoga is that it improves the health, stamina and strength of an individual. Yoga makes a person completely healthy.

Is yoga a science?

Yoga is a subtle science, philosophy and a spiritual discipline. Yoga is spiritual science of unification.

Where did the system of yoga come from?

The Yoga system of philosophy was established by Maharishi Patanjali and is regarded as a counterpart of the Sankhya System.

Is yoga a physical exercise?

Is yoga a system of exercises? yoga is a complete system of exercises for not only the physical body but all the subtle bodies, that involves breath control and helps relax both your mind and body.

Yoga is a science

Yoga is the ancient science, it is a science of unification. Yoga is a profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of Human soul and mind. Yoga is the inner journey or ascent of consciousness. Father of yoga on a earth, Patanjali is considered as the father of Yoga and his Yoga Sutra are completely dedicated to the knowledge of Yoga. Patanjali Yoga is more than 10,000 years old.

Yoga a physical exrercise?

Many people think of yoga only as a physical exercise. Is Yoga Exercise? One of the biggest misconception is that yoga is a physical exercise. Yoga is not just exercise, however, is more than physical exercise. Sanskrit word yoga means unification. Yoga is unification of soul with the supreme soul. In other words yoga is the union of individual consciousness with the god consciousness.

surrender to your self

Who is yogi?

Who is really practising Yoga? Who is really a Yogi? A Yogi is one who has decided that the goal of his life is the attainment or union with the supreme reality or God and who has also decided to make his life a process of attaining God and who is also determined that he will practise all such things that will make this attainment as early as possible, as quickly as possible. So, he is a person who has dedicated himself for the attainment of ultimate Supreme Reality or God.

Yoga is an ancient philosophy.

Yoga is an ancient philosophy which aims to unite the self with the absolute or the spirit of the universe.

Where did yoga come from?

The practice of yoga is originated in the ancient india.

Who is the Founder of Yoga?

Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga.

Ancient philosophy of yoga

Yoga Philosophy >

Concept of yoga >

Science of Yoga

Path of Yoga >

System of Yoga >

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