How metals are formed?

Metals are hidden all around us.

Where does the metals come from?

All the metals come from the earth, all the metals are hidden deep in the earth.

Metals are found mainly in the rocks, ores

Purity of metals

The distinction between metals from ores and metals –

Coming to metals procured through ores, they contain traces of impurities. If one wants to make an alloy, one must take into account the already present impurities.

Coming to Metals created through mysterious sun process, because it employs processes like science of sun, the transformation of the metal takes place at beyond Sub-Atomic level. Hence no traces of impurities of other metals or materials are left over.

As the transformation takes place at rudimentary level, metals obtained through mysterious sun process are the purest. Even at atomic level there is a clear distinction of different metals but at rudimentary level there exists no distinction of any specific metal or material or substance. Rudimentary elements are subtle energies responsible for creating all sub particles.

Purification of metals

As mentioned earlier the metals manufactured through ores do contain impurities of other substances. So it is necessary to remove impurities. Levels of impurities depend upon applications. Other metals are added as impurities for obtaining certain useful properties. These are achieved through the process of purification and melting.

Ancient literature on purification of metals

An ancient book of metals describes purification process of metals.

Classification of metals

Metals are classified into Superior, Medium and Inferior types for the selection of melting process.

Melting Process

As to Melting of metals, the process of melting was given in an ancient book of metals. 


Crucibles are made in such a way that they can withstand high temperature.

Classification of crucibles

These crucibles are 407 types and these 407 crucibles are placed in 12 groups. For the melting of root metals the second groups of crucibles are considered the best. Forty varieties of crucibles come under second group. Out of these 40 varieties “Inward mouthed’ variety is prescribed for the melting of root metals as it is the best for the purpose.

Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.