What is Existence?

Existence is the primary principle of life.

Existence is the fundamental and basic attribute of life. 

Biggest mystery of life?

Existence is the one of the greatest mystery of life. 

What exactly is the existence? 

1. The state which exist eternally.

2. State of being
Existence is the state of being whether of a substratum, an attribute or an action.
– Vaisheshik Darshan 1.2.7

3. Existence is Principle of life.

The primary principle of life

4. Existence is the reality

One who is the true embodiment of existence among all existences.

What is the source of existence? 

Existence is eternal.

How can existence be proved?

1. Truth does not require the evidence.

2. Existence is proved by every possible evidence.

3. Existence is reality

we exist, universe exist , We all exist because of existence. Therefore existence is reality

4. Existence of life

Existence of life is the proof of existence. Why life exist? Existence is the primary principle of life.

Some secrets are meant to stay secret forever.